CAYUCOS KELP BEDS (Boat or Kayak Dive)

Cayucos Kelp Beds extend from the north of the Pier in Cayucos all the way to Cayucos Point located on chart. The kelp beds are highly productive for spearfishermen. Many hook and line fisherman may tell you otherwise but they are depending on hungry fish to bite their bait. Fish are not always hungry and a lot of time they are lounging in dens they created on the rocky reef crevices. Since this is such are large area, I can't really say where a good spot is to dive since I have had good luck everywhere along here. We have taken lots of large lingcod, Vermilion, Sheeps head, and other rock cod. When there is a long period swell I generally anchor out in sixty feet of water to combat the surge. Most of the time this area is well protected due to the fact the beach faces south and is protected from swell. When you cant dive anywhere else try here from a boat. Kayak diving will require some work but is possible. Just find a spot to park on highway One and hike down to the cliff edge. Be aware though there are areas that are Snowy Plover protected areas. These protected birds can result in acquiring hefty fines to trespassers. Most of area is open though. Be aware not to launch from protected areas. When anchoring here, find your spot, drop anchor and pay out some extra line to compensate if the wind gets up. Make sure not to anchor in sand. generally if there is no kelp, especially in shallow you will encounter sand. Have fun and be safe!